
czwartek, 30 sierpnia 2018

Small latered box - guest designer - Pooja Sharma, India

Hello everyone!

This is Pooja Sharma from India. I am so excited to be here as guest designer at MMW blog.

I am a fashion designer but craft is my only passion.  I love experimenting with products and techniques and mixed media is my forte! Other than that I love altering things and making clay murals here are my social media link if you are interested to see my more creations


When I saw this month moodboard and the theme line "A Breath of Autumn" I really like this and got inspired to create something on this particular line with theme pallet colors
I created a scene where a face coming out in a brown tone that portrays Autumn which is about to come so because of this flowers and ground has started turning in Orange and brown that is all about project.

Now I would like to tell you about the making process of my project.

I decided to altered a small plastic box, firstly I  covered it with black gesso then covered it  with different laces and applied white gesso all over and started building up my composition on the lid of the box,I have used resin face, chipboard, flowers for my composition,added  mini and small art stone and grainy texture paste to give extra texture to it,and simply colored it with rust paints,tone of blue, green, yellow, brown and according to theme,in the end distress it all with white gesso and used metallic gold and Cooper to highlight the texture

I hope you like my small latered box :) 

poniedziałek, 13 sierpnia 2018

Mixed Media Altered Box

Today, I wanted to show you my sea box, which I made with the thought of storing the foundings from the sea. Being on the beach I usually collect what will fall into my hands, shells, sticks, sand and sometimes with a bit of luck an amber.
I wanted the box to have a beach climate, slightly worn, as if the paint was coming of. I decided for sea colors, which is why I chose a denim shade of blue and a light matt brown. The composition is white-painted scraggering, gauze and a little of sisal. The heart of the composition is shells enclosed in chipboard and a bottle filled with sand and mica flakes.

For this project I have prepared a video tutorial for you, you will find a link below, I am inviting you to subscribe and comment, and if you have not yet joined our new challenge, please join us!

Regards and I hope you like my inspiration !

środa, 1 sierpnia 2018

Wyzwanie MMW #31: Sierpniowy moodboard | #31MMW Challenge: A breath of autumn

Cześć :)

Przed nami 31 wyzwanie kreatywne Mixed Media Warriors.
Jak zawsze, mamy dla Was ciekawy moodboard i żywimy nadzieję, że będzie on inspirujący :) 

Mamy nadzieję, że znajdziecie czas i dołączycie do nas :)

Hi all paper folks!
I'm so excited writing this post for you! It's our #31 MMW challenge with moodboard:)
I hope that you find some time and join us! :) 

Główne zadanie: Przygotowanie dowolnej pracy mixedmediowej z użyciem conajmniej 3 elementów z moodboardu, opublikowanie naszego baneru wyzwaniowego na blogu w notce z wyzwaniem  :) 
Wyzwanie trwa do 31 sierpnia 2018!
Można zgłosić maksymalnie 3 prace - każda w osobnym poście :) 
Linkowanie do naszego narzędzia Inlinkz w pasku bocznym :)

Main rule: Prepare free-form scrap mixedmedia work with 3 inspirations from our August Moodboard
Grab our challenge banner! 
Deadline is 31st August 2018
Limits: Max. 3 works for 1 artist - each in new post
Linking to our Inlinkz tool (sidebar)

Baner wyzwania | Challenge's banner

Zwycięzca otrzyma baner | Our winner will receive this banner: 

Przewidujemy też wyróżnienie | We have a second winner's banner: 

Inspiracje DT Mixed Media Warriors
DT Mixed Media Warriors Inspirations 

Zapraszamy do naszych wyzwań :) 
Swoje prace możecie też publikować w naszej grupie inspiracyjnej na Facebooku
na fanpage Mixed Media Warriors
Szukasz więcej inspiracji?
Zajrzyj na nasze konto MMW na Instagramie

Join us and have fun with dirty fingers! 
You can also share & show your masterpieces here:

FB Inspirational Mixed Media Warriors Group
Fanpage of Mixed Media Warriors
Check our MMW Instagram too! :) 

Don't be shy! 
Feel free to create art!